Thread: Have you ever
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Old 08-14-2010, 04:47 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Austin, Texas
Posts: 316

I hope I don't get banned because this is a little off topic, but it has to do with the recycling part of this thread. When my mom was alive and living in a senior complex in another state, all the residents would wait in the lobby for the mailman to come. I started sending her "naked mail". I took a plastic placemat and on the back side, drew a line down the middle and used it like a post card, her address on the right side, and a note on the left side. One time, I sent her some small things in a coke bottle (lay it on it's side, cut a slit lengthwise, fill with goodies, put the address label over the slit, glue the lid on). I had these really tiny (about 1.5 inch) gift cards - I wrote "hi mom, love Barbara", and kept putting it in larger envelopes. I ended up with 11 envelopes. She said when she got it, she thought it was a piece of fabric I told her I was mailing her. After about the 3rd envelope, everyone stopped and watched her open all the envelopes, they all laughed. I would send her a card about once a week and fill it with different kinds of confetti. The other residents were always anxious to see what I would send. Mom has passed and I miss her so very much - I'm glad I was able to put a little sunshine in her last years. (sorry this is so long).
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