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Old 08-14-2010, 11:42 AM
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 30

[quote=CompulsiveQuilter]I'm plugging away at a scrappy row-by-row sampler, and with each row I've decided to follow one more "rule" learned from you guys and a multitude of books.
I've learned, YES, starch matters. I even starched the noodles I used.
I've learned, YES, mark carefully. I eyeballed a row of flying geese on the small stars and the result ... well, you can figure it out
I've learned, YES, you must square each block (and sometimes the components of each block)
I've learned that YES, I should test my 1/4" seam and mark my machine. And I thought I knew my machine so well!
I have learned that if you don't square up blocks that it is a pain to put a top together. Each seam that you make a tiny bit over steals from the next row that you have to attached to and eventually there is no fabic to attach the border too. No fudging.
I have also learned that its important to have good rulers, sharp scissors and rotary cutter and for Gods sake do not cut fabric with a rotary when your tired. I have seen too many veteran quilters make a emergency trip to the doctor to get their wound sewn up. I also learned when you finish a big project you need to change the needle and do not wait until the old one breaks.
You sew best when you have the same thread in the bobbin as well as on the spool for your project. Polyester stretches. It used to screw up my old Singer til someone told me that the bobbin does not like polyester. It can mess up the calibration. It costs $175.00 to have your machine calibrated and cleaned these days.
What you sew late at night when your tired may well have to be ripped out in the morning after you have rested.

I've learned that YES, you should re-check the design wall after a good night's sleep.
I've learned that NO, I'm not an "experienced" quilter. At best I'm a "confident beginner" who got in trouble with being lazy and over-zealous.
What have YOU learned that really matters?[/q
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