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Old 08-14-2010, 07:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Ramona Byrd
These are lovely, and will keep her memory alive for several
more generations.

I've wanted to do things like this, but have no one around here
to question how long the printing job will last, and how many
washings it will take before fading out.

You did an excellent job on these quilts, and your family should
be grateful for all your hard work. Congratulations on having such a loved Mother, she must have been a good woman to have such loving children.
Thank you! She was a good mom, and since daddy had passed many, many years prior, it seemed like the time to combine pictures of both mom and dad.

Regards washing and fading...really, even though you use treated fabric and such, I wouldn't recommend washing but rarely, and you must keep it out of direct sunlight always. It's not a project to be crazy with and get tons of wear and tear...more for looking at and even hanging on a wall out of sunlight, or draped on a can always come to the quilting board to ask questions...
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