Thread: I need help !
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Old 08-15-2010, 10:55 AM
Ms. Shawn
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Originally Posted by DRogers870
This is the point I get to all the time, I pick a pattern, pick out the fabrics, and make the top and I guess that is where my confidence ends. I have a pile of completed tops - I have trouble figuring out how to quilt them. I'm very comfortable with quilting them - I can do stitch in the ditch and fmq (experienced, but nowhere near expert). Its the design part I'm having trouble with.

I'm making an effort to try new things and learn new techniques. The attached wallhanging uses a technique for curves where you sew a diagonally folded square sewn in over a regular square and you just roll back the folded edge which is on the bias and it curves and you sew it down. Really cool tecnique and it was alot of fun to make. Now its done and I have no clue what to do and I refuse to put it in my UFO pile because I'm too chicken to go for it -

Any suggestings or thoughts on how to quilt it ???
WOW!!!! :thumbup: :mrgreen: :shock: That's Beautiful :mrgreen: :-D Sorry I am no help don't know how to quilt! ;-)
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