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Old 08-16-2010, 07:09 AM
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Location: Somewhere near the water in beautiful Michigan
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Originally Posted by karielt
CRAZY weekend so crazy I was glad Monday came. Have you ever had those days when If it could go wrong it went wrong. Well that was the last 4 days. But the cool thing is I'd get bad news and the next hour I got something good. I think everything in my house broke this weekend... But the good news was my Dear Ethel brighten my Saturday so much I didn't care the water heater broke or the guys doing my roof damaged my neighbors lawn with the dump trailer :shock: I took a moment just to sit down and open my Apple themed pkg. You have know Idea what a joy it was. I'll post pictures soon. Thank you from the bottom of my heart you are a true angel!
It was a rough weekend for a lot of us (myself included), but it's so nice to know that our ANGELS are always thinking of us, watching over us, and taking time from their busy lives to make ours better? They/we are an AMAZING group of people! So glad your Angel brought you such joy.
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