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Old 07-29-2008, 08:35 AM
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: In the middle of a mess...
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I don't think Bebe means to upset anyone. Some of these things are just a thing that has happened in the past. Some people are offended by it, some are not. I still have my Little Black Sambo book that I got when I was little. My girls have read it and see nothing wrong with it. It is now on the list of banned books.
I just don't get it sometimes. Maybe I'm naive to some things, I would hope that I'm not.
But, my opinion...if someone wants to make something from an era past and keep it in their own home, then I see nothing wrong with it.
I don't mean to start a debate with my statement either.
Everyone has their own opinions and we agree to disagree on lots of subjects. I don't think anyone should be chastized, even a little bit for wanting to make something they are interested in.
Ok, off my soapbox and done with this thread.
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