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Old 08-19-2010, 07:51 AM
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Southeast Georgia, USA
Posts: 9,133

Originally Posted by Joan in AK
I have been a member for a while. I read regularly and have gotten lots of good info, tips, and inspiration from this board, but I do not post very much. I know that one has to post a certain amount before selling, but are there rules for paying forward with fabric. In the near future I want to pass fabric on. I would post in the pay it forward thread. Leave it up for 24 hours because I know that people access at different times, then number those who pm me and pick numbers from a hat. I have been blessed much in my life and would like to pass it on.
Are there rules?
Does the above sound like a good way to do it?
Thank you
i agree. very nice of you, indeed! :thumbup:

there's no minimum amount of time one has to be a member in order to give things away.

one tiny point: no matter where you post the announcement - either in the Pay it Forward topic or in the classifieds section - you can't announce it as a drawing of any kind.

you can announce that (for example) the 3rd person who sends a pm will receive the package, but that's as close as you can get to "random".

again ... thanks for your generosity! :-)
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