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Old 08-21-2010, 05:40 PM
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Originally Posted by laparshall
I see lots of great Angels have been flying around here lately. Lots of happy times. It is so nice to hear so much happiness. My Angel found me once again. A package was hiding in my mail box on Thursday evening, but I have been so busy with a big camp out family party this weekend that I didn't have a chance to post until now. The last of my company just drove off, so I am finally able to post a picture of the great gifts I recieved. A wonderful charm pack, a couple of great FQs, a note pad and as always a beautiful card that she made. Thank you Angel for thinking of me. I am so blessed that you found me. I count my blessings whenever I read that others havn't heard from their angels. It is so nice that you remember me so often. Thank you again.

How pretty!
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