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Old 08-24-2010, 12:44 PM
grann of 6
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Originally Posted by sahm4605
I have given her needle and thread and two squares of fabric to "practice" sewing on. she had trouble pulling the needle through the fabric and she would just randomly insert the needle. I was going to try and draw lines with a pen for her to follow. looking for very cheep light colored fabric to do this with however.
She is able to use the remote control on the TV and loves to push buttons and everything. She also gets a kick out of stepping on the foot peddle and making the needle go up and down real fast. or slow.
But putting the needle in and out of a specific spot is different than the remote. Give her another 6 months or so. In the meantime, get some of that plastic needlepoint canvas, a large plastic needle and some yarn. She can practice with that without hurting herself and you don't have to watch her every second. I got my DGD a sewing machine at 5 and she actually did quite well, she is now 12 and would rather horseback ride and do all things outside. My other DGD is 9 and last summer made herself a skirt almost by herself. This summer she made a purse. And she can use the embroidery machine unattended. They all progress at different paces.
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