Thread: Carpal Tunnel
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Old 08-25-2010, 03:55 PM
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Join Date: Dec 2008
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I had the nerve test done and was diagnosed with severe carpal tunnel in one hand and moderate in the other. Asked a hand specialist if there was something I could do for it, and he insisted I would be back for surgery because nothing would work.

Well, that was several years ago. I went to Walmart and bought the very stable braces for both hands (steel piece runs up the palm); wore them night and day. Asked my dh to change my computer setup to make it more ergonomically comfortable. Cut my computer/typing time in half. Also took citrus bioflavanoid supplements twice a day. The hands gradually got better. Eventually I wore the braces only at night. Now I wear them at night only if I think I might be getting some tingling in the fingertips (very rare).

Our dental hygienist had a similar experience. She had to quit working after a marathon wallpaper remodelling job in her home resulted in severe carpal tunnel. She used a similar regimen to mine and several years later was able to go back to work.

Edit: Oh, I also took aspirin daily. Carpal tunnel is an inflammation problem so anything you can do to reduce inflammation helps. The braces keep the wrists in a neutral position to give the inflammation a chance to die down.
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