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Old 08-26-2010, 04:01 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2010
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My DH & I have been married for 46 years come December.
we went into marriage without any thought of if it didn't work we would call it quits. we went into marriage for life, We have had our ups and downs, differing opinions on things from time to time. we were told it wont last more than 6 months and after 32 years of marriage my "DMIL" was still trying to break us up. we found the best things were.
1) communication
2) never go to bed angry.
3) we have done nearly everything together.
4) think of marriage as a rope 1 thread makes a very weak rope (thinking only of self). 2 strands make it a bit stronger(thinking of each other and each others feelings). & 3 strands make a very strong rope. (adding God and his principles into your marriage).
Following these 4 steps will make a marriage strong enough to survive anything life can throw at you.
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