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Old 08-26-2010, 04:49 AM
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Dh and I will be married 36 years on 9/7. The week before we got married, we sat down and really talked a lot of things through. We made a pact that no matter how tough it got, we would not let the word divorce come into out home. We said that if we couldn't say it and mean it, there wouldn't be a wedding. It wasn't always easy, but we have kept that pact. 36 years and 4 kids later, we are so glad that we had that discussion. Don't get me wrong, some marriages should never have taken place to begin with and should be dissolved. But with divorce being so easy and so socially acceptable, to many couples just don't give it everything they could and should. A few years ago we went to a wedding and heard the groom say, "well, if it doesn't work out we can just get a divorce". It made me just sick. Also, (and I'm not preaching, but it worked for us)we agreed that there would always be three in our marriage. Us and God and if we would do that, there wasn't anything we couldn't get through.
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