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Old 08-26-2010, 06:33 AM
Ps 150
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I'm still a pretty young one to this topic. Last week my DH and I celebrated 10 years of love together and next week we'll celebrate 7 years of marriage. My MIL (no dear there) has tried to separate us on everything, especially after her own, second separation, but we're still going strong. We're a bit "old-fashioned" as my brother told me (he's on his second marriage and 26), but we don't mind. We believe in God and family. I stay home with our two beautiful girls and I homeschool them while my dh works locally. Family time is more important than fabulous vacations for us. My DH is the most amazing man I've ever met and my best friend. Last year I was told I had a severe condition that had to be operated on (as I was being wheeled from an emergency appendectomy)and that I would not be able to have more children. I had two, back to back, abdominal surgeries and my DH really shined! He took care of me, during both recovery times, the kids, the pets and the house. And while recovering the second time, he really supported this new "therapy" idea a friend had brought up: quilting! I had been sewing for about 3 years so I had some of the basic principles down. This past Christmas he bought me a Janome 6500 and an embroidery machine for quilting and has supported every crazy quilting thing I've chased after. He is truely my best friend and I love him more every day!
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