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Old 08-26-2010, 07:48 AM
RatherB Quilting
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This is a wonderful thread! I agree with you 100% and have repeatedly thanked my Grandparents over the years for thier example.
Everyone in my family too has been divorced and infidelity seems to be like a disease everyone has. My Grandparents are the exception. I met my hubby, and his parents have been an inspiration too. Although Hubsters father had been married before, when he met Hubsters mother, they have been inseparable since. My mother in law has told me one of her secrets is that she kisses her husband as soon as they wake up, before he leaves, as soon as he gets home, and last before going to sleep. I do the same with my Hubster. Also, we always try to go to bed at the same time. Hubsters rule also is that we never discuss serious topics in the bedroom. If we need to talk, we talk in the living room BEFORE bed.
I am madly, completely, absolutely in love with my Husband. We recently celebrated our fifth anniversary. Sometimes I feel sad that we will never see some of the landmarks some of you ladies have (we got married in our 30's) I know that as long as it's my choice, I will be with him the rest of my life. I know a marriage is work. I tell myself every day, love is not so much an emotion as a choice. I wake up every day and CHOOSE to continue to love this man even if he peeves me off. I choose to love him, no matter what. (ok...I admit, I love him so's not really a hard choice at all!!)
Thanks for this thread and for all the wonderful ladies who have shared! Thank you for your example!
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