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Old 08-27-2010, 05:30 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 327

Originally Posted by sahm4605
Originally Posted by GoBama
Many thanks for all the kind words, but I think this quilt will never leave home. I'm new to this craft and so want to do things correctly. When someone who 'knows' indicates I've done a boo boo, it is discouraging, but educational as well. Live, quilt and learn I guess.
if it didn't fall apart while you were piecing it together you did it right. at least to me. if you are happy with it and like the look then you did it right. as many on here have said, unless you are entering a show with rules, there is no right way or wrong way to quilt. However I will add that if it falls apart while you are sewing, then that just means that you need to make the stitch langth shorter and pay more attention to that 1/4" seam that everyone talks about.
I am new to quilting also and am far from perfect. I had one lady in a quilt shop who worked there almost yell at me for not making my binding double. which would have ment cutting almost 6" strips to fold in half and then sew and then fold again. I think that she just wanted to sell more fabric. :lol: . I did it her way and it didn't turn out any better than any other binding that I have done single fold. but that is just me. I love the quilt by the way. even if the quilt police at Joanns said that you did it wrong. I hope that I can do mine that wrong. hehe :mrgreen:
Heck I don't even use the bias fabric. I just fold the back over the front twice and stitch there. Maybe it's old fashioned but it's easier then doing that bias thing. My quilts are for my use or for those I give it to.
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