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Old 08-27-2010, 01:16 PM
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Arkansas
Posts: 79

My husband and I will celebrated 34 years in Feb.And some of them were tough.For when we first got married he was just a working man, now however he is still that but much more,he became a Preacher after we had been married 10 years with 3 children.Life sometimes has a way of changing what you thought it would be,and becomimg a whole new experience. You have to work hard at it and enjoy each other and talk about the things that try to make trouble in a marriage.Letting things go can do a lot of damage.Marriage has to be worked at,you can't just think that it will always be red roses,it won't. We brought up 3 wonderful kids, all of them are in the ministry in one form or other.Our oldest son has been in the Air Force for 15yrs.He in his spare time ministers to the Elderly in Nursing Homes.Our daughter is now a foriegn Missionay in Panama with her husband.The youngest son is a Youth minister in Oklahoma.Each one of them are married and the two oldest have children.Each day they have to work together to ensure that they keep their homes as solid as they can.But it takes work.
So to those young people who are newly married, marriage takes two people working together to keep it together.
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