Old 08-28-2010, 04:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Andii
I love your pictures, Dorothy. I have never seen a live hummingbird. I have cardinals, mockingbirds and a blue jay which I love. Do you ever have any trouble with squirrels getting in the feeders? I feed our squirrels but no matter how much I feed them they end up in the bird feeders. I love seeing the animals eat together like a big ole picnic! The squirrels and doves eat together well and the cardinals are always so polite.
I know your birds must be beautiful. They are very vocal. We really don't have any trouble with our squirrels and we have a zillion. They will climb the pole to any bird seed feeder we have up but they never try to climb the hummingbird feeder poles. I think their sense of smell must be very good. Wish you were here, you could enjoy the hummingbirds. My husband just said it compares to seeing hornets swarming a hornets nest.
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