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Old 08-31-2010, 05:44 AM
Jan in VA
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Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Piedmont Virginia in the Foothills of the Blue Ridge Mtns.
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Mary, what an awful experience for you!
You could perhaps try appearing at her house with all you received in the purchase, cell phone in hand, and call the police while there. Try to talk to her first; if she acts rude, withdraw and call the police because you feel threatened/intimidated. When they arrive, tell them how you have tried to resolve this and why your are trying to return the item to her since she wouldn't come to you. They will likely help you negotiate a solution with her even to the point of getting your monies back. She likely won't misbehave with police presence there. They won't arrest anyone, or force anyone, but they usually will negotiate a peaceful solution between parties.

If you are uncomfortable thinking of doing this, call your police department to consult first.
I hope, for all those who come behind you, that you will not just accept the status quo and are able to find a way to assert your rights here. Best luck and encouragement winging your way!
Jan in VA
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