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Old 08-31-2010, 07:42 AM
marlene tarzwell
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Piedmont[Greenville]SC
Posts: 498

I have made fleece blankies for my pappillion[Bitsie] and she loves to hide her doggy biscut in them. The one in her bed, she will dig around it to make a ball for her head or even do this hop thing to get it out of her pink, Princess bed. I have also made a quilted pad for inside her crate for when we go away and she is in there.She will try to hide her biscuts under it till we come back and then will eat them. The stinker. I have also bought dog toy squeekers [or taken them out of old toys]sometimes for 25cents at a flea market and made like snakes,bones balls, bears,etc.[of fleece] and also I keep all my fleece scraps and either braid them for a pull toy or use a bunch of small strips and tie them to make a ball. Both these last 2 toys are expensive to buy at pet stores. I like free. I also made a skinny pillow so she can ride between us in the van. I have also made her some easy little coats of fleece for the cold weather.
As you can tell she is not a very spoiled 2 yr old.We rescued her a yr ago.
You could just check on the net for homemade dog items.
Just some ideas and Good luck.
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