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Old 08-31-2010, 12:21 PM
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well, I've sent a huge thank you to my Angel via email. I've named her Patsy Cline, because she signs her cards and email as my "crazy" SQA. Patsy Cline sings "Crazy", my all time favorite country song. However- she's not so secret- I "figgered" her out. But I'm not telling you who she is. I can keep a secret too. :)

Patsy sent my groom and I a really really cool anniversary gift- a neat popcorn container with 5 kinds of popcorn. We ate the kettle corn and I'm trying to not open them in front of the kids so we can savor them. We have cinnamon toast and some chocolate and 2 others waiting for us. Hubby thinks we are all crazy here and my angel just helps him in his delusions.

All I know is I have the sweetest, kindest, most wonderful angel around. She sends me emails when I least expect them and they just pick me right up and give me the biggest smiles. I am learning so much about her and I know we will continue to write after the "Big Reveal" in Dec.
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