Thread: seam allowances
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Old 07-02-2007, 01:29 AM
patricej's Avatar
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as almost everybody here can tell you, my brain works in very different ways to a normal one. "official" 1/4" feet give me fits!

i have a favorite general purpose foot i use no matter which machine i happen to be sewing on. it's like an old friend. i've figured out exactly how to line up the fabric as i feed it into machine.

1/4" feet are fairly inexpensive, so you should consider giving one a spin. if you try one and it doesn't work for you, go back to your favorite regular foot and just practice on scraps until you find the "sweet spot". if you are lucky enough to have a machine that lets you adjust the needle position, play around until you find the perfect combination of lining up fabric to foot and needle position to give you the 1/4" seam. then WRITE IT DOWN on a sticky note you can slap onto the machine for reference until it becomes habit.
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