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Old 09-03-2010, 07:41 AM
Power Poster
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Northern Michigan
Posts: 12,861

it does you no good to ask other's where blocks are hidden in the fabshophop; the blocks move around, so just because you found it at one shop does not mean i'm going to find it there. you have all month to find them and they do suggest you find some bunnies each day the whole month, thats why they have drawings all month long...and double drawings on saturdays. you really limit your chances of winning anything when you dive in and do it all in one day or the first week. i've been doing the shophops for 10 years now and although i have not yet won one of the BIG prizes i pretty much always win at least a couple gift certificates. i look at how many shops are in this one, divide that number by the number of days in the month and see how many i need to find each day; if i miss a day i make it up over a couple days as time i find at least 6 bunnies each day; and make up shortcomings on saturdays when there are double drawings. it is great to win a fabric collection or gift certificate that you have never checked out before! i guess i should stop telling people this, the more of you who do it all in one day or the first few day's of the month just make it easier for the rest of us to win :)
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