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Old 09-03-2010, 01:17 PM
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This one turned out basically 16" square by 4" wide. So not real small. When I was doing one a few months ago my DD told me she likes them to be really wide so she can use them to buy groceries with. So I have kept that in mind. But the wider ones just don't look right to me for some reason. I was afraid to make this one too wide because I thought it would be harder to work with(probably not really!!LOL) and I didn't really know if it should be that wide or not. So I guessed at 4". Don't really remember how I did it last time I made them. The one Sara(DD)has and likes is really really wide! Makes the bag look like a suitcase. I made a suitcase one time!! A long time ago for my son in law. He was in school to be a chiropractor and he needed a cover for his folding table to take to Nepal when the school took the students over there to practice on the people there. The cover I made ended up being a suitcase. Don't know if I would want to make one again but it was interesting at the time!
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