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Old 08-08-2008, 11:00 PM
patricej's Avatar
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i've done one on my frame - which is now in the closet and i can't find half the parts. doubt i'll ever use it again. it ate my living room. :lol:

tried a hoop. it stretches things out of shape and i don't have both hands free when i need to stab instead of run-stitch. :?

i like best to work without either, nestled in my comfy chair, in front of the boob tube, with the quilt spread around me. that means lots and lots of basting. :roll:

so i just drape mine over my dining room table. the quilt stays nice and flat; little or no basting necessary; i have both hands free; i can move the quilt when i need to, or move me when i need to (chair's on wheels). works great. :D

no tv in the dining room, though. :x

i just can't win. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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