Old 09-05-2010, 11:22 AM
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Originally Posted by AbbyQuilts
Good and bad are all around us.
When I make good choices I get good rewards when I make bad choices I get bad consequence .

This morning I made a good choice to only have 2 pancakes and half a sausage. There by saving 300 calories and fat I did not need.
I also chose to eat my pancakes with homemade jam instead of high fructose syrup to save a few more calories.

Today I am bringing a fruit salad instead of my normal cheese cake.
If I had brought the cheese cake then I would make the good choice to eat a tiny sliver instead of a whole hunk
I have made bad decisions and that is why I am almost 100lbs over weight.

When I said I am being good and bringing a fruit salad I meant that I am making a good choice.

If I made a bad choice to to rob a bank would I then not be bad the same as if I brought the cheese cake to the BBQ?
It isn't what we do that makes us good or bad. We experience consequences either way. But, some consequences aren't as pleasant as others.

I guess I was trying to help the discouraged understand that even when making positive choices, the reward/consequence may not be what we expect. Just knowing you have made positive choices should be enough to help you feel positive about yourself. Not a number on a scale or tape measure.

Abby, you are making good choices. You are planning ways to help yourself succeed in improving you health. Be proud of your choice. Be proud of yourself, and even if you do not see lower numbers on the scale, don't fret. You did what is right,and you feel good about your choices. :-)
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