Old 09-07-2010, 11:11 AM
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: dreaming of a simple life. Living off the grid!
Posts: 3,259

Originally Posted by lauriejo
I agree, the Bob's stuff is great. But boy the prices are at least double the regular stuff. Since both my son and I have to eat gluten free I prepare everything that way. A number of family favorites are just out of the question. I have spent a fortune on food that turns out to be completely impossible to eat, so I try stuff very sparingly it just gets too expensive. Mostly we just do without.
Have you looked at the prices at amazon? I buy most of my groceries there. You have to buy in bulk but the expiration are alway good. I bought Bob's powdered buttermilk, it has less calories then low fat, anyway if didn't expire for almost 2 years. I think mosted people thing amazon has close to expiration dated groceries. They don't. The oatmeal I bought was cheaper per oz then Quaker oatmeal in the grocery store and it was Bob's a much beter company.
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