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Old 09-07-2010, 02:27 PM
Ramona Byrd
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Join Date: May 2009
Location: Merced, CA
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[quote=madamekelly]I have a request I am hoping one of you can help with. I have been searching for 2 years to find a coat pattern that is suitable for making a fur coat for me.
Several years ago an old lady neighbor gave me her fur coat that she'd had since probably the 1950s. It was a lovely thing, obviously very expensive (Mink). It had full sleeves that narrowed down at the cuffs, full skirt and sleeves large enough to wear over sweaters. It was about calf length and had no buttons at all, nor a belt. I finally gave it to a theatre group because that was when nuts were running around spray painting anyone wearing a fur coat.

Now the fake ones are absolutely lovely. I have a nice dark brown "fur" lap robe that drives my cat wild, he flatly insists on sleeping on it, no matter if I'm wrapped in it or not. Sure does look real.
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