Old 09-08-2010, 01:00 AM
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Southeast Georgia, USA
Posts: 9,093

this topic is more or less a rant. it won't solve anything and just gets us all stirred up.

legitimate consumer information and alerts are useful if they are presented calmly, logically and are accompanied by substantiated facts and other evidence.

however Rants, raves, vents and flames are strongly discouraged. They serve no constructive purpose; they start arguments; and they make us look bad as a group. We end up sounding like a bunch of cranky, selfish, silly old bats. (now, you know we aren't really; and I know we aren't really. but the rest of the world may not read through enough of the board to figure that out.)

all these pages boil down to one valid point: pay attention while your fabric is being cut.

help the store employees provide you quality service by calmly pointing out the mistake and firmly but politely refusing to accept substandard cuts.[/i] get store management involved if necessary.

if all else fails, walk away from the purchase altogether.

send a calm, factual letter with all the details to the highest level of management possible.


to learn more about your rights and responsibilities as a consumer, start here:

and here:
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