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Old 09-08-2010, 08:21 PM
Join Date: May 2009
Location: LA - Lower Alabama
Posts: 888

I grew up in Florida on the west coast - and it was SAFE.. I'd ride a bike all over town... now there's a gazillion people there - even more during the winter and I'd no more let my kids or grandkids ride around there than the man in the moon.
I remember on Halloween people who didn't want to answer the door would put baskets of candy on the front steps and kids would take a piece or two and LEAVE THE REST for the next person.
I remember when you went to school and actually LEARNED something - and had to know it to graduate.
I remember hula hoops!
I remember roller skates that fastened on your shoes - that had soles - no 'sneakers' anywhere! 0h I've got a brand new pair of roller skates, you've got a brand new key (I still have my key!)
My grandmother had a plum tree and a HUGE pot-bellied stove (she lived in Indiana) and she loved auction sales and peach pie. We moved up there in my senior year (gag) and I took her to the auctions - it was her last summer - I'm eternally grateful that I did that....
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