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Old 09-10-2010, 04:50 PM
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Ontario, Canada
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If the machine is in good shape, cords not rotten, decals bright and intact, bed not scratched, case not musty, book and attachments there, it is a fair price. I've seen featherweights priced from $50 to $800 and everything in between. I have noticed that they have come down a little in price the last couple of years. Sometimes you can do much better at an auction or a garage sale if the owner doesn't realize that they are collectable and just consider them an old Singer. About a month ago, I was lucky enough to pick up two featherweights when the daughter was cleaning out her mother's and aunt's house in good condition for $30 each as she had no idea of their value. I guess it all comes down to how eager you are to have this machine and what is the overall condition of it.
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