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Old 08-13-2008, 10:07 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: North Texas
Posts: 895

Well, I really miscounted. There are only 8 great grandkids with 2 on the way. Then, three of hubby's grandkids have never visited him and don't communicate with anyone in the family except their father at times. Sad, especially since the rest of his grandkids just love him to pieces. So I don't feel the necessity to make something for them. He has never met two of those.

So that brings the total down somewhat. So by my new calculation, I have 13 left to make. Three will have to be next year for sure as they will be graduation quilts.

I tend to sew in spurts. I'll get going and sew for days, then stop for several more days. Then I will gradually get back to the machine. I work better under pressure of a deadline. Things come together better and quicker that way.
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