Old 09-11-2010, 07:05 PM
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Originally Posted by LovingIzabella
Originally Posted by BrendaB
Originally Posted by LovingIzabella
Thank you Deb for hosting this-I really did enjoy doing my balloons-even if they never did land :-( I hope they show up at your house at some point or find their way back home. I am writing a formal complaint to my local postmaster as this is the third package (not for this board but in total over the last few months) that has gone MIA. I usually use the Post Office near my job to mail anything for the board because they are AWESOME but due to circumstances I had no choice but to mail from my home PO on this one! We shall see what happens.
April, I didn't know about your HAB plight. I would be happy to share mine and make a few extra so you can still be part of this swap. It is so sad that you did the work and went to the expense. I can send you six from my set, you could do three for you and three for me, and I could do three for you and three for me, and we would each have one complete set; OR, I can just send six from my set and we can fill in with six blocks we make for ourselves. Sounds like a pretty good plan to me. How about you?
Oh Brenda that is so thoughtful of you! Would you want six different HAB? I have one that I made as a workup for my pattern and I can make 5 others using different fabrics or I can do a couple pieced and a couple hand appliqued? Thank you so much (I promise I will mail yours from my job PO!)
Send me a PM so we can chat about it :-)
April, count with one HAB from me. Let me find the pattern I used (home made) and allow me a couple of days. If you look at butterflyblue's picture, my balloon is the first one in the middle row.
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