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Old 09-12-2010, 05:46 AM
msuewhite's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: South Mississippi
Posts: 41

Originally Posted by Betty J
I don't know of any locally made patchwork fabrics but there are some really nice Australian design fabrics produced in New Zealand.

Originally Posted by mosaicthinking
Originally Posted by msuewhite
I just wondered if you have access to locally-produced fabrics. Here in the states we have numerous companies who design and produce fabrics. Do you ever get fabrics from America?
As far as I'm aware we don't produce fabrics in Australia (others on the board may know different.) I buy 100% cotton quilting fabrics from my local fabric store at anything from $5 - $15 per metre. I try jump in when they are having a sale to keep the costs down. I think we get a lot of US brands here. I have recently purchased some David Textiles fabrics.

Country of manufacture for fabrics I can get locally is China, Korea or India mostly. Many Aussies on the board do buy online, from America but delivery charges mean we have to make it a big order to justify the cost :-)

You would not believe the cost of cotton batting here. SO expensive.
Hmmm, some of you inspired Aussies should start your own manufacturing company and produce local fabrics. You would 'corner the market'!!
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