Thread: Bed Bugs EEEEK!
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Old 09-12-2010, 05:37 PM
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: In the middle of a mess...
Posts: 20,025

You can put the stuffed animals in heavy duty plastic bags. Seal them up tightly. You can tie the top, then use duct tape to make sure it's sealed. Leave in garage or attic or basement for about 3 months. What ever is in there will die.
I was told for rooms, if it's just one, you can tape plastic over the windows to seal them. Clean/vacuum/dust, etc the room. Take the mattress and box spring out...that has to be replaced. Once everything is done in the room, you can set off bug bombs. Once they are set off, close the door and seal the door with plastic. Let the room stay that way for a few days. It should take care of it.
At least that's what a friend of mine did. She was told to do that by an exterminator. She couldn't afford one, so this is what the man told her. It seemed to take care of the problem.
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