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Old 09-13-2010, 11:25 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2008
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ok, I can't leave you hanging in there like is what works for me:
I have tried all bins, boxes, you name it for fabrics over the years, and the thing that takes up the least amount of space but you can see what you have is shelving!
I keep a curtain over mine to keep out dust and light (fading).'s a list of words to make this shorter:
- shelving
- more shelving
- pegboard
- over the door hanger for ironing board
coat hooks on walls...make cloth bags, one for each color of scrap per bag and hang on hook...just make bag the color of the scraps.
- men's screw, nail, bolts boxes with drawers...great for OUR safety pins, buttons, all kinds of little notions
- lazy susan with covered cans hold a bunch of tools and you turn and there it is.
- LABEL everything LARGE and you won't spend hours digging.
- zip loc bags are the best thing since sliced bread bc they are see through.
- men's big magnet from auto supply store to pick up pins...keep away from your computerized machines!
- carpenter's tools are cheaper, accurate, and don't move when you use your rotary cutter.
- Plastic folding files hold info on a project and you can separate the directions from templates, etc.

I have two garbage cans for convenience in sewing room. Lots of scissors and tape and pens, pencils, so I don't have to keep going back and finding one. If there is a chair, there is a roll of Scotch tape, masking tape, scissors, pen, marker, paper, pins, too!
Saves time, steps and energy and patience.
Of course you could make yourself an apron with pockets and put these tools in it and put it on every time you sew.
I get too hot for that monkey business.
If I can't shelve it, it goes on the wall.
If I can't do either, it goes to somebody else.
I keep an address book and all my quilting buddies are in there for that *day*, when I need to share. ;-)
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