Thread: Bed Bugs EEEEK!
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Old 09-14-2010, 12:35 PM
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Location: Gladstone, Oregon by way of Washington(the state)
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There is an artical on AOL today that addressed the BB infestation. They said that there are sealed zippered covers that you can get for mattresses as well as box springs. They can live for 18 months without feeding and that most of the sprays might kill the adults but not the eggs. If you use your vacuum to suck them up add talcum powder to the floor and suck it up also.(it will suffocate the bugs picked up in the vacuum). Cedar oil is not conclusive to kill them either.
There was a family that my DH read about that spent over $30,000.00 and 3 years trying to get rid of them. Not sure they were successful even then.
Some of the ideas to keep them at bay is, do not leave clothes in a pile in the bedroom or laundry room. If you have an infestation wash in hot water or dry clean clothing and store in sealed plastic bags til ready to use. Also dry on High heat.
Do not bring ANYTHING into your house from a thrift store or yard sale without washing and drying and inspecting it thoroughly. If you can't clean it then don't buy it.
Sis got them at her apt complex and she was told not to visit us til they are LONG GONE.....
Hope this helps. Hope you are able to get rid of them soon.
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