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Old 09-15-2010, 01:41 AM
Jan in VA
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Originally Posted by ptquilts
I have a ghost named Emily who loves bright things. (and it is only a 20 year old house and we built it).
Came home from being away one time and there was a ball of bright orange yarn on the sewing room floor. I thought maybe I had left it on a shelf and it fell, but it was a good six feet away from the shelves, and there is a rug. Can't see it rolling that far. Then I found the rest of the yarn it had been with, had left it in a drawer.
Just today she left a line of 5 bright red hawthorns in the driveway for me - there are no hawthorn trees within 200 feet.
She is mostly good though, doesn't hide things. Sometimes I can feel someone touching the top of my head, think it is her.
Oh that's so cool!!
I live in the kitchen out-building of a 200 year old Virginia plantation, 14" thick plantation-made brick walls, huge thick yellow Southern pine floors and ceiling joists, non-working fireplace....not a ghost in sight or otherwise. Sometimes in the winter, though, I swear I can smell the odor of cooking fires, sort of like barbeque smoke, pleasant.
Jan in VA
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