Old 09-15-2010, 02:58 PM
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I do and actually currently am. My boyfriend lives in Alabama (I live in Wisconsin) and he's going through a rough time with his family so I actually haven't heard from him for two months. No matter what the circumstances are (except maybe if he's overseas) if you don't hear from your boyfriend for two months you kind of wonder where the relationship part is or even if there is one and you just don't know it. I'm really trying hard to keep faith that things will work out, but not having any contact is torture. And then I got all this other stuff going on...work has been on my case about stocking slower, living with my family has its quirks (I don't live with them entirely by choice), and all my friends moved away so I don't really have anybody around. If I go anywhere, its pretty much because I have to go to work or I got asked by my mom to go on a car ride with my younger brothers. I was so desperate to go out that I went out with my brother and his friend to a town half and hour away (did have fun, though). I'm lonely and depressed and been eating comfort foods to deal with it all (I emotionally eat). The emotional eating wouldn't be so bad except that its "holiday season" and Wal-Mart is now stocking up on Halloween candy. You know, more things to eat. Sometimes after a crappy day at work I'll pass by the candy isle and go something like "Hmmm...a bag of candy corn for breakfast sounds nice". I try not to, but when you get chewed out by the manager for taking so long stocking your department its like "F*** it! I want the bag of bite sized Milky Ways." I'm just completely unhappy.

I've been planning out this quilt made out of Kittie shirts (Kittie is an all-female Canadian metal band for those who don't know). I had the idea for myself a while back, but back then I didn't have a boyfriend who I was trying to think of a Christmas present for. I remembered it while listening to one of Kittie's albums while paging through a quilting catalog I had just got. I thought it would be the perfect Christmas present for Tim. We met on the official Kittie boards and they're our favorite band. The project has got me so psyched and excited and I actually feel happy about something. Tomorrow I'm starting the process of buying the actual shirts and I'm really stoked about it. Of course, I get to thinking about it and realize I'm making this totally awesome gift for someone who hasn't called for two months and it makes me sad. But other than that it's been fun to work on and I'm really enjoying myself.
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