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Old 09-15-2010, 03:56 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Aurora, CO
Posts: 149

To our Australia friends. I love your country, lived in the South Australia outback for a couple of years. Hanging clothes was an adventure. During FLY season, I wore a "cork hat" to keep the flys out of my ears, eyes, mouth and ect. To you Yanks, a cork hat is a large rimmed hat with corks hanging down all around the rim. To shoo the flys away, you would just shake your head and the corks would shoo them away.My clothesline was the umbrella model. Center pole and crank down lines. It was great, only no break. When I let go of the line, it would spine around in the wind. I'm laughing while writing this and remembering, but at the time I sure wasn't laughing. LOL
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