Old 09-15-2010, 05:11 PM
Ps 150
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Location: Upstate New York
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Last summer I had an emergency appendectomy, where the doctors found my cemented internal organs so I had to have a full hysterectomy 6 weeks after my appendectomy. To cope with the pain of never having more children, my husband suggested learning how to quilt...something I always planned to learn in my "old age" when I had more time. I had 6 weeks of recovery time so I bought "Quilting For Dummies" and never looked back.

Earlier this month my step-sister's fiancee was killed in a motorcycle crash. As I grieve for her, I quilt. And now, I'm creating a quilt for her now. It's sort of designing itself as I go and it has helped so much. As has the amazing family on here. I can't lean on my own family here because they're leaning on me (my step-sister and I are the oldest so the younger ones lean on us). But, I can come here and there's an amazing family that makes quilting so much more personable. No matter what one of us faces, it's guaranteed that someone else here has faced this and come out the other side.
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