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Old 09-15-2010, 06:33 PM
martha jo
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Texas
Posts: 607

That sure brings back memories. Raised four kids with cloth diapers and they had to be done everyday. Sometimes they froze stiff and we lived in the South. Mother had a wringer washer when I was small but when I married, lived in apartment and my mother-in-law gave me a second hand washer that you put on the stove and ladled water in and turned on the fire and rinsed the diapers by hand in the sink, then put them in the washer and washed. Then had to take lid off and let it cool and ladle out the water and then refill for rinse. Ugh. It was a Kenmore. By the time we had the second child we lived in a house and bought a "real" washer and hung things on the line - big improvement. Then when the third child was born, we moved again and got a dryer also. I thought I was in heaven. Wish I had a clothesline now just to hang out quilts and blankets to get fresh air. I have the frontloaders now and they are nice - I do appreciate them. Can't imagine how I made it in the old days, of course, I was young.
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