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Old 09-16-2010, 07:34 AM
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Originally Posted by madamekelly
I was 'surfing' last night and made a discovery that I hope I can help you all avoid. I was google-ing, and yahoo searching for quilt images. All I typed under images was the words "free quilt patterns". I saw hundreds of patterns. I was drawn to the Bargellos since I want to try one. If I had been on an IBM, I would have fried my computer! EVERY Bargello I clicked on, came up with an automatic 'Apple' warning of it being an 'attack site! Thank the angels above, I bought a Mac. Please be careful and DO NOT click on any Bargellos! (An 'Apple' warning means that the site has been detected to have virus', worms, trojans, etc.) I want to stress that EVERY Bargello image said this, I checked for you. Play safe on the 'net. -Kelly

Quilter's unite!
Please don't be afraid to searh for free Bargello patterns. EVERY pic DIDN"T have a virus. It was probably just a "warning" because anything your computer downloads has a "potential" for viruses.

Think about it, each one of those are from a totally different site. All of them are not going to have a virus. I just did a search for "free bargello" and got over 5 million sites. Do you see what I'm saying? Thats at least 5 million different blogs, websites, stores, etc. ALL of them couldn't have a virus.
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