Thread: Disappointed
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Old 09-16-2010, 09:42 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 303

:thumbdown: I've been disppointed by the contents of the quilting magazines and books for about a year. I have alot of patterns but I love new stuff that is different. I'm not seeing anything that I can say is new: patterns or techniques. The trends I'm seeing are these: smaller projects, easier patterns, and emphasis on specific looks with specific fabric lines. The majority of the magazine patterns are by new fabric designers with very busy fabrics. These fabrics are difficult to use for more intricate patterns such as applique, etc... What concerns me is that quilts are becoming packaged and creatively stifled. Get this fabric, get this look and don't think outside my specific design instructions. I miss having a pattern that I could chose my own fabrics and get a similar if not exact look without having to buy a specific fabric line. What do you think? Thanks for letting me vent.
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