Old 09-18-2010, 04:51 AM
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Location: St. Paul, Minnesota
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Originally Posted by lfw045
Having had cataract surgery in my right eye and a cataract is starting in my left eye now, I can say that vision will definitely get worse during the day also. Get it checked as soon as you possibly can by an opthamologist.
I was able to have my cataract surgery done within three weeks of each other - got it out of the way - my ophthamologist said it doesn't make any difference anymore if it is "ripe" or not. So I had mine done two years ago - one the middle of November and the other around the first part of December. So darn simple - I had the second one done at a7:00 AM, was home by 8:30 and washing clothes by 10:00. No bandage except for the plastic thing over my eye at bedtime for two nights. Yay! All done - 20/20 vision, but still have to wear glasses. He showed me something that was quite amazing. He said, "Can you see now?" I said "Yes, much better than before". He said "How bout this?" Holy cats, everything just cleared up so beautifully - Honest, I can see clearly the leaves on the top of a tree. The only problem I have is that I cannot wear glasses while I am on the computer. But I wear them for sewing, everything, mainly the clarity of everything. Good luck to all of you who are about to embark on this "scary" adventure. It's not. It is so simple it is unbelievable. And the neatest thing of all - NO PAIN! Nothing, nil, nada, nyet, nein! I was able to drive as soon as I had my next day check with the dr. Back to normal, no sympathy, only from me to my husband for his having to be around to put the drops in my eye. Suck it up, honey. Well, he had to drop me for about five weeks every day. Two eyes, you know!

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