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Old 09-18-2010, 06:31 AM
Join Date: May 2009
Location: LA - Lower Alabama
Posts: 888

Here it's log trucks - do anything with impunity... tailgate - you haven't been tailgated until it's by a HUGE OVERLOADED Log truck going 55 MPH and you KNOW there's no way the driver can stop that thing. They tailgate so close that you're scared to slow down and pull off the road to let them pass!
They have no insurance, some have no driver's license, some have no plates, most trucks look like they wouldn't pass ANY kind of inspection...

I asked a local sheriff's deputy what the deal is that they NEVER stop these truckers and he said that the DOT has let it be known that they are NOT to "hassle" the loggers.....

Talk about the good ole boy network - the land is owned by the big shots, and they carry a lot of weight in Montgomery with $$$$ so 'back off'....

scary out there..
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