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Old 09-20-2010, 12:20 PM
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Location: Central Florida
Posts: 701

Fall Apart Chicken

This is the easiest thing you ever made and it sure is good.

1 Whole chicken (I usually buy an Oven Stuffer Roaster but if you want smaller then get a fryer)

Salt & Pepper

Yeah, that's it, although I grow Rosemary in the yard and love the taste so I mince up a bunch and throw that on too)

Wash the chicken and pat dry with paper towels. sprinkle inside and out with a pretty generous amount of salt and pepper (and rosemary if you want it) Put that bird in your slow cooker RAW and with NO WATER AT ALL. Put on the lid, turn the cooker to low and in about 6-7 hours you will have some mighty fine chicken.

I always thicken the amazing amount of juices that come out of the chicken for gravy, but it can also be used for stock.

Also makes GREAT cold chicken sandwiches the next day.

Oh, and by the way, I call it "Fall Apart Chicken" because it does exactly that, so be careful taking it out of the cooker.

This is great to do in the AM before work because there's no browning to take up time. I can plug it in and when I walk in the door from work the house smells like my make believe cook has been at it all day. I think just about every lady in my office has tried it and it's now a standard at their house's too.
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