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Old 09-21-2010, 09:57 AM
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After reading all the wonderful posts about sandwiching quilts with basting spray and FMQ, I decided instead of sending my super fast jelly roll quilt to the LAQ, I'd try to do it myself. In the past I have pinned and that didn't work out to well. I must say, it's quite a work out. First , I had to do it on the floor. So that meant a good vacuming of the carpet. Then getting everything laid out just right. Took over an hour and by the time I was done, I felt like a spend an hour at the gym. You know, up, down, crawling around. Was alittle scared to fold it up, but doggies don't understand why they have been locked in the bedroom and want out.. Can't wait to try the FMQ, I've done some little projects, but nothing this big. Sewing will have to wait for now, I've got to go to the DDS.
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