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Old 09-21-2010, 01:37 PM
Aunt Retta
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Location: West Jordan, Utah
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I am so sorry!
I had a very similar but also different situation about 18 years ago. Adults forcing a child to live were she didn't want to. It hurt like nothing else. I cried for years and the pain became bearable but very raw. I always stayed in touch with this precious child as she grew up! About two years ago because of several things I had never planned on we ended up living two hours apart!! Oh Joy! We can see each other and she is as excited about it as I am! We are very close again and I am Grandma to her beautiful son, and expecting another any minute. I love her husband. Finally after all the years of pain, it feels right! A joy beyond what words can describe!
These little boys will remember your love, Do all you can to stay in touch and not cut the ties with your daughter. Someday it may come back right and all the joy you will have will be worth it!
Now I just need to find a way to stop the tears.
God Bless You!
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