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Old 09-22-2010, 05:32 AM
Rettie V. Grama
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Join Date: Feb 2010
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Originally Posted by Quilt Ministry Leader
This has got to be the news every grandparent does NOT want to hear --- I have 2 grandsons that have lived with me and their mother for most of their lives ( ages 6 and 4). She recently married, someone I consider a total bum, and now she informs me that the oldest is going to stay with his father - who I get along well with --- but her and the youngest are moving back to her new husband's town which is almost clear across the country.
I am on disability so the likelyhood of me ever travel there is slim and since he refuses to work and her work here (don't know that she will be able to find a job there) is the only income I don't see them ever having the money to come back.
There should be something a grandparent could do. Just yesterday the grandson told me "I want to live with you." And when his mother came to get him after work he put up a real fight to stay at Ma's (that is what he has always called me).
This news has me so upset all I have done since she told me yesterday about 1:30 pm is cry not only because I am going to miss the grandson and her - but am very concerned about what kind of a life they are going to have. My oldest daughter heard and saw the guy she married threaten her with a pick ax a couple of years ago - when any thing is said the reply is they were just joking.
It may take all of my disabilty excess for this month (I have a sash of some groceries and I just will have to cut back my going anywhere) to pay a lawyer to find out what I can do if anything.
Hello Quilt Minister: Do we all have a 'monkey on our backs' when it comes to our grandchildren. I have 2 daughters who will not communicate with me. # 1, has 5 daughters, I havn't seen any of them for over 5 years. Through the family grapevine, I understand they have broken off relationship with their mother and at least 1 with her father. Mother/father divorced. # 2, has 2 daughters and 2 sons. This has come about just within the last 6 months. For some reason, unknown to me, She (my daughter) has erased me from her life taking with her/her husband and children. The second boy was born September 11, 2010. I havn't been able to see him and she hasn't even told me about him. I learned this from another granddaughter who had a facebook msg. from daughter # 2's oldest, a daughter. I also lost my steady and loving companion on August 24. She would have been 14 years old March 13, 2011. My little Peewee is now with Jesus.

Yes, all these things are difficult to handle. Rather than seeking an attorney which will take most of your income, why not try to talk to Jesus about it. If you ask him to restore the communication between all parties involved, He will answer. Your answer may not come immediately because Jesus works in His own time and place, but you will get an answer. If it happens to be negative to your wishes, you must accept it and Thank Him, that He is there for you.

"Dear God: There are so many of us in the world today who suffer from the wrath of our families. Bestow upon us the ability to accept what we cannot change and the wisdom to sllow your will to reign over our lives. In Jesus name, Amen"
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