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Old 09-22-2010, 03:01 PM
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Originally Posted by bearlea
OK..on this subject I may make some enemies...I make my quilts to be used and loved...I do a great job..not always perfect but they always look good...when I decide to make a quilt for someone whether it be family or friend I keep in mind their lifestyle...I already know them..I know if they have cats and dogs and kids and so on..I know if they are allowed to get on the furniture etc...I don't judge them by that...I might not make them a beautiful Jenny Haskins quilt if they have cats to claw at it...instead I might make a beautiful Kansas Trouble pieced quilt..darker colors might not show the animal hair...There is nothing that upsets me more as to walk into a family members house and find out the quilts I have made them are tucked away in a closet for safe keeping....who is going to care if they still look perfect 50 years down the road..take it out..use it...drag it whereever you like to be..when you wear it out I owuld love to make you a new one...because I love you and thats how I show the hours I was thinking of you as I stitched each stitch...
I recently made a beautiful baby quilt..sent it to GA for my dh nieces shower...she absolutely loves it..called me up that night and kept saying she had never seen something so mil informed me the other day that they decided to hang it in the baby's room because it was too pretty to let a baby spit up on....although the thought is nice...I made it to be used not you see what I am talking about...I always include a note about the hours I prayed over a quilt while stitching it for this person...or the reason I picked certain colors..they know the time and love..I tell them..but I also tell them to use it everyday as a reminder of my love...I will not be here forever..but my quilts for them will live on even if they become rags..they will remember the love that went into them....ok I am off my podium now....just how I feel...everyone I love is quilt worthy....they are worthy of my love which makes them worthy of my quilts...blessings
I think I saw this on this board. In any case, it's so cute, I'm going to include it with my next baby quilt.
It’s your quilt!
It’s OK if you sit on your quilt.
It’s OK if your bottle gets spilt.
If you swallow some air
And you burp, don’t despair,
It’s OK if you spit on your quilt!

There are scraps old and new in your quilt.
Put together for you on your quilt.
If your gums feel quite numb,
‘cause your teeth haven’t come,
It’s OK if you chew on your quilt!

I expect you to lie on your quilt.
If you get hurt you can cry on your quilt.
On a cold rainy night,
Don’t fret, you’re all right,
You’ll be snug warm and dry on your quilt!
Nancy Riddell
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